Galaxy Evolution Research

I have been active in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey since 1998.  I was the lead developer of the Luminous Red Galaxy sample, which led to my interests in the evolution of red galaxies.  I have been involved with studies of the galaxy luminosity function, the color and detailed spectral properties of red galaxies, and the correlations of galaxy properties with environment.

The SDSS Luminous Red Galaxy sample has been extended by the 2dF-SDSS LRG and Quasar (2SLAQ) survey and now by the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey.  SDSS-III BOSS has already measured the redshifts of over 500,000 luminous red galaxies!

I have been involved with two field galaxy redshift surveys that pushed substantially fainter than SDSS.  In the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES), we used the MMT to survey 8 square degrees to a depth of I=20.  Then in the PRIsm MUltiobject Survey (PRIMUS), we used the Magellan Telescope to survey 9 square degrees as deep as i=23.  Both surveys were conducted in regions with excellent multi-wavelength imaging data.  We have used the data to investigate the evolution of galaxies from z=1 as well as the properties and evolution of active galaxies. 

At the highest redshifts, I was a member of the NICMOS Ultra-Deep Field team.  I am the extragalactic theme lead for the James Webb Space Telescope Near-Infrared Camera instrument team.

An image of the raw data from the PRIMUS survey.  Each tiny streak is the spectrum of a faint galaxy; this single exposure contains over 2000.  The large dark circles are the result of a lack of targets near bright stars.