
Curriculum Vitae

Daniel M. Häusermann practices corporate law, financial markets law and M&A at a law firm in Zurich and is a private reader (Privatdozent) at the University of St. Gallen Law School. He holds degrees from Harvard Law School (LL.M.) and from the University of St. Gallen (Dr. iur., lic. iur. HSG). Before taking up his law practice, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of St. Gallen Law School.

Daniel's research interests include business associations, corporate law, corporate governance, information law, and empirical legal studies. His postdoctoral thesis (Habilitationsschrift), which is currently in print, is titled "Contractual Freedom in the Law of the Public Firm" (Gestaltungsfreiheit im Recht der Publikumsgesellschaft). Additionally, Daniel has published widely in Swiss and U.S. law reviews.