
Expository Writing 20: Narratives of Immigration





Immigration has become a divisive topic in the U.S., as thousands of people fleeing violence and poverty in Central America arrive at the southern border each year. While conversations about immigration tend to focus on its economic, cultural, and political implications, the lived experiences of immigrants can get lost in the shuffle. Who are the people coming to the U.S. border? What has motivated their journeys? Once they...

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Expository Writing 20: Breaking the Rules




Everyone lives by rules, no matter how free they may feel. Some of these rules are written; others are unspoken. While we typically associate political rights with what it means to be “free,” the seemingly small social conventions of everyday life can limit our real or perceived liberties in powerful ways, too. The codes of conduct we follow when, for example, we use social media, when we go on dates, or when we work for a company all have the capacity to rein us in, and if we knowingly or unknowingly violate those norms, our freedom may be at the price of our membership in a community. This... Read more about Expository Writing 20: Breaking the Rules