
Smail, D. L.The Inner Demons of The Better Angels of Our Nature.” Historical Reflections-Reflexions Historiques 44, no. 1 (2018): 117–127.
The Materiality of Credit.” Histoire Urbaine 51 (2018): 95–110. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel Lord. “Les dettes et les saisies de biens dans la région de Lucques au XIVe siècles.” In La Fabrique des sociétés médiévales méditerranéennes. Les Moyen Âge de François Menant, edited by Diane Chamboduc de Saint Pulgent and Marie Dejoux, 181-90. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2018.
Smail, Daniel Lord. “La culture matérielle des pauvres à Lucques.” In La culture matérielle: un objet en question. Anthropologie, archéologie et histoire, edited by Luc Bourgeois, Danièle Alexandre-Bidon, Laurent Feller, Perrine Mane, Catherine Verna, and Mickaël Wilmart , 203-13. Caen: Presses universitaires de Caen, 2018.
Smail, Daniel Lord, and Andrew Shryock. ““On Containers: A Forum. Introduction and Concluding Remarks.” .” History and Anthropology 29 (2018): 1-6, 49-51. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel Lord. “Pattern in History.” KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge 1, no. 1 (2017): 155-169. smail_pattern_in_history.pdf
Scheele, Judith, Daniel Lord Smail, Bianca Premo, and Bhavani Raman. “Priorities of Law: A Conversation with Judith Scheele, Daniel Lord Smail, Bianca Premo, and Bhavani Raman.Comparative Studies in Society and History , 2017, 59:3. Publisher's VersionAbstract
CSSH has been host to an impressive gathering of essays on the cultural and historical aspects of law. During the last decade, we have published influential pieces on Islamic law, on states and their jurisdictions, on spaces beyond the law, on legal practitioners, criminals, police, and prisons. Here we invite four CSSH authors—Judith Scheele, Daniel Lord Smail, Bianca Premo, and Bhavani Raman—to talk about law as a kind of evidence, one that tells us about other aspects of social life. In many of our best essays on law, it would seem that legality is shaped by something else, and the point of analysis is to understand how law interacts with a second or third factor. It might be gender, community formation, material culture, or ideas of power and truth. Often, law does not account for as much as it should. The analyst has access to a rich body of legal documents, but in treating them as evidence, it turns out that these materials point to (or belong to) discursive fields that are above the law, or beyond it, or that simultaneously call for and contradict legal decisions. The special relationship between legalism and other modes of interaction can be pervasive, even formative, without being easy to model or understand.
Smail, Daniel. “Mesurer la valeur à Marseille et Lucques à la fin du Moyen Âge.” In Expertise et valeur des choses au Moyen Âge. Compétences et figures d’experts, 295-314. Valencia: Casa de Velázquez, 2016. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel. “Law and the Uncertainty of Value in Late Medieval Marseille and Lucca.” In The Dark Side of Knowledge: Histories of Ignorance, 1400 to 1800, 51-69. Leiden: Brill, 2016. Publisher's Version
Legal Plunder: Households and Debt Collection in Late Medieval Europe
Smail, Daniel. Legal Plunder: Households and Debt Collection in Late Medieval Europe. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2016. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel. “Preface: The Gift of History.” In Long History, Deep Time: Deepening Histories of Place, xi-xv. Canberra: ANU Press, 2015. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel. “The Rhythms of Vengeance in Late Medieval Marseille.” In La vengeance en Europe, XIIe-XVIIIe siècle, 75-99. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2015. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel. “'Civilisation et psychotropie.' Translation of chapter in On Deep History and the Brain.” Tracés: Revue de Sciences Humaines, Hors-série 2014, “Traduire et introduire” 14 (2014): 87-112. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel. “Retour sur 'On Deep History and the Brain'.” Tracés: Revue de Sciences Humaines Hors-série 2014, “Traduire et introduire” 14 (2014): 151-63. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel. “Neurohistory in Action: Hoarding and the Human Past.” Isis 105 (2014): 110-122. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel. “Les biens comme otages: Quelques aspects du processus de recouvrement des dettes à Lucques et à Marseille à la fin du Moyen-Âge.” In Les objets sous contraintes. Circulation des richesses et valeur des choses au Moyen Âge, 365-383. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel, and Andrew Shyrock. “History and the "Pre".” American Historical Review 118 (2013): 1-29. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel. “Beyond the Longue Duree: Human History in Deep Time.” Perspectives on History (2012): 59-60. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel. “Violence and Predation in Late Medieval Mediterranean Europe.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 54 (2012): 1-28. Publisher's Version
Smail, Daniel. “Psychotropy and the Patterns of Power in Human History.” In Environment, Culture, and the Brain: New Explorations in Neurohistory, 43-48. Munich: Rachel Carson Perspectives, 2012. Publisher's Version
