Publications by Year: 2002

Skocpol T, Munson Z, Karch A, Camp B. “Patriotic Partnerships: Why Great Wars Nourished American Civic Voluntarism”. In: Katznelson I Shaped by War and Trade: International Influences on American Political Development. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press ; 2002. pp. 134-80.
Skocpol T. “Will 9/11 and the War on Terror Revitalize American Civic Democracy?”. PS: Political Science & Politics. 2002;35 (3) :537-40.
Skocpol T. “What It Will Take to Build a Family-Friendly America”. In: Hewlett SA, Rankin N, West C Taking Parenting Public: The Case for a New Social Movement. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield ; 2002. pp. 219-33.
Skocpol T. “United States: From Membership to Advocacy”. In: Putnam RD Democracies in Flux: The Evolution of Social Capital in Contemporary Society. New York: Oxford University Press ; 2002. pp. 103-36.
Skocpol T, Pierson P. “Historical Institutionalism in Contemporary Political Science”. In: Katznelson I, Milner HV Political Science: State of the Discipline. New York: W.W. Norton ; 2002. pp. 693-721.
Skocpol T. “Can Working Families Ever Win? The Political Bind”. New Democracy Forum, Boston Review. 2002;27 (1) :18-19.