Storing Solar Energy More Effective Than Ever




Recent research conducted at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have demonstrated efficient solar energy storage in a chemical liquid. The stored energy can be transported and then released as heat whenever needed. The research is now presented on the cover of the scientific journal Energy & Environmental Science.

Many consider the sun the energy source of the future. But one challenge is that it is difficult to store solar energy and deliver the energy 'on demand".

The research team has shown that it is possible to convert the solar energy directly into energy stored in the bonds of a chemical fluid. The liquid chemical makes it possible to store and transport the stored solar energy and release it on demand, with full recovery of the storage medium.

The research project was initiated more than 6 years ago. At the time, the solar energy conversion efficiency was 0.01% and the expensive element ruthenium played a major role in the compound. The system now stores 1.1% of the incoming sunlight as latent chemical energy. Also, that expensive element ruthenium has been replaced by much cheaper carbon-based elements.