Talks 2014


Location Forum Title
December 2014 Chicago, IL University of Chicago Visualization of High-Dimensional Data and the Paper of the Future (key, 304 MB), (Slides, pdf, 50 MB) (Announcement, pdf, 50 MB)(News Story, Paper and Glue, Pixels and Ink)
December 2014 Boston, MA Harvard Club of Boston The Bones of the Milky Way, (key, 916 MB), (pdf, 75 MB)
October 2014 Charlottesville, VA Filaments 2014: Filamentary Structure in Molecular Clouds, National Radio Astronomy Observatory Do Filaments Cross "Core" Boundaries, (key, 263 MB), (pdf, 18 MB)
October 2014 Cambridge, MA MIT Astrophysics Colloquium, Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture in Physics The Bones of the Milky Wayxs (key, 634 MB), (pdf, 7 MB)
September 2014 Cambridge, MA Harvard Astronomy Department Haiku Journal Club Handout (pdf)
August 2014 Cupertino, CA SciFoo 2014 The Bones of the Milky Way, (key, 220 MB), (pdf, 54 MB)
August 2014 Cambridge, MA PRISE Tuesday: Distinguished Speaker Series: Week 9 The ADS All Sky Survey, (key, 405 MB), (pdf, 54 MB)
July 2014 Vienna, Austria Gaia data visualization workshop Visualizing the Milky Way Across the Spectrum, (key, 355 MB), (pdf, 33 MB)
July 2014 Zurich, Switzerland Department of Geography, University of Zurich, GIScience Center: Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA) ADS All Sky Survey, (key, 452 MB), (pdf, 34 MB)
June 2014 Heidelberg, Germany Max-Planck-Institut für AstronomieKönigstuhl Colloquium (KoCo) The Bones of the Mily Way, (key, 419 MB), (pdf, 68 MB)
June 2014 Heidelberg, Germany Harvard-Heidelberg Workshop 2014 Star Formation & Visualization at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (key, 381 MB), (Google Presentation), (pdf, 49 MB)
May 2014 Paralia, Greece (remotely) OSSF14: The Olympian Symposium on Star Formation Will the Real Universe Please Stand Up? (key, 304 MB), (pdf, 16 MB), (YouTube Video
April 2014 San Francisco, CA California Academy of Sciences, Benjamin Dean Lecture The Visualization of Astronomical Information: From Galileo to the Zooniverse, (key, 632 MB), (pdf, 49 MB)
March 2014 Cambridge, MA The Harvard Foundation: The Albert Einstein Science Conference: Advancing Minorities and Women in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Handout (pdf), Handout (pages, Mac only), (WorldWide Telescope Tour), Too view tour go to for free Windows download. 
March 2014 Washington, DC Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Smithsonian's Stars Lecture Series Rediscovering the Milky Way, (key, 407 MB), (pdf, 57 MB), (NASM_M31_Nessie_Demo.wtt, 84K, WorldWide Telescope Tour) To view go to for free Windows download. For more information see
February 2014 New York, NY New York Leadership Summit, Harvard Club of New York Presentation about/using WorldWide Telescope at Harvard FAS Campaign Kickoff Summit, WorldWide Telescope Tour, to download WorldWide Telescope to view go to http://worldwidetelescope.orgfor free Windows download. 
February 2014 Cambridge, MA Seamless Astronomy Colloquium Linking Visualization & Understanding in Astronomy,
(key, 638 MB), (pdf, 77 MB), (handout), (Principles of high-dimensional data visualization in astronomy, paper), (Youtube Video), (Ostrich Sans (main) font available free at:
January 2014 Washington, DC AAS 223 Meeting Linking Visualization & Understanding in Astronomy,
(key, 638 MB), (pdf, 77 MB), (AAS handout), (Ostrich Sans (main) font available free at: