
Courses in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

À la Française: French Feminisms Today
The Words to Say It: Women Writing in French from Colette to Satrapi
The Politics of Poetics: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis
Graduate Proseminar in Romance Languages and Literatures: Questions of Theory
Julia Kristeva: Can Literature and Art Still Change the World?
Introduction to 19th and 20th-century French Fiction
Michel Foucault: An Introduction
Paris and Its Revolutions

Courses in Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality

The Gender Mystique: An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Fifty Years of Studies on Women, Gender, and Sexuality
Beyond the Sound Bite: Women, Gender, and Sexuality in The Daily News
Live Theory (and Practice) - An Advanced Proseminar in WGS Studies
I Like Ike, But I Love Lucy: Women, Popular Culture, and the 1950s
Our Mothers, Ourselves: A Brief History of Postwar American Feminist Thought
French Feminism 1946–2016
One is Not Born a Woman…
Introduction to Studies in Women, Gender, and Sexuality