


Embedded EthiCS

Embedded EthiCS is a pedagogical program run jointly between Philosophy and Computer Science at Harvard that aims to teach Computer Science students to develop the habit of designing not only efficient but also socially responsible systems.

Harvard History of Philosophy Workshop

The Harvard History of Philosophy Workshop brings together scholars working on the history of philosophy across a variety of historical periods and traditions. We meet intermittently during the course of the academic year to discuss work in progress. All are welcome to attend.

Harvard Learning Lab

The Bok Center’s Learning Lab is an intergenerational team and a studio space built to support creative approaches to teaching and learning.

Project Vox

Project Vox is a website devoted to a number of early modern women have been unjustly ignored in our narratives of the history of philosophy, with a focus on Mary Astell, Lady Masham, Margaret Cavendish, Anne Conway and Émilie Du Châtelet. The website aims to provide students at all levels with materials to begin exploring their ideas; to provide teachers with course ideas; and it aims to change our current conception of the philosophical canon.