
I am a College Fellow in Harvard University's Government Department, where I recently gained my doctorate in political theory. I am also a lecturer in politics at Brandeis University. 

My research spans historical and contemporary political philosophy, including questions of right, power, obligation, freedom, religion, and the institutional underpinnings of democracy. My doctoral project and first book examine the writings of Thomas Hobbes, and especially his most famous work, Leviathan. I reevaluate Hobbes's contributions to political concepts such as equality, representation, power, and honor, in light of historical and religious analysis offered in Leviathan's second half.

More broadly, I am interested in classical and early modern ideas of honor, authority, obedience and legitimacy, as well as the psychological dynamics that mediate individual experiences of political agency and community. 

Prior to undertaking my PhD, I gained a Master in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, worked in the Australian Government, and earned a Bachelor of Laws (Hons I).