Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought


Armitage, David, Conal Condren, and Andrew Fitzmaurice. 2009. Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought

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TLS Book of the Year 2009


Jonathan Bate, Times Literary Supplement, 5565 (27 November 2009), p. 7.

Michael Bristol, Shakespeare Quarterly, 65, 1 (Spring 2014): 96-102.

Anthony DiMatteo, “‘Our Sovereign Process’: Reading Shakespeare’s Politics,” College Literature, 38, 2 (Spring 2011): 160-70.

Chris Fitter, Notes and Queries, 58, 3 (September 2011): 442-44.

Elizabeth Frazer, Political Studies Review, 9, 2 (May 2011): 221.

Ernst Gerhardt, Renaissance and Reformation, 35, 2 (Spring 2012): 143-45.

Graham Hammill, Shakespeare Studies 40 (2012): 207-12.

Paul Hammond, The Seventeenth Century, 25, 2 (Autumn 2010): 376-77.

Takayuki Katsuyama, Shakespeare Studies (Shakespeare Society of Japan), 48 (2010): 36-38.

Paulina Kewes, Renaissance Quarterly, 63, 3 (Fall 2010): 1011-13.

Julie Sanders, “The Year's Contribution to Shakespeare Studies, 1: Critical Studies,” Shakespeare Survey, 64 (2011): 388-405.

Jason Scott-Warren, “What Can We Learn from Early Modern Drama?,” The Historical Journal, 55, 2 (June 2012): 553-62.

Paul Ryan Singh, Sixteenth Century Journal, 42, 4 (Winter 2011): 1153-54.

Felix Sprang, Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 147 (2011): 230-33.

John Tangney, The European Legacy, 17, 6 (2012): 855-56.

Last updated on 12/01/2014