Eidos, INDRA & Delphi: From Free Text to Executable Causal Models


Rebecca Sharp, Adarsh Pyarelal, Benjamin M. Gyori, and et al. 6/2019. “Eidos, INDRA & Delphi: From Free Text to Executable Causal Models.” In NAACL, Pp. 42-47. Association for Computational Linguistics. Publisher's Version


Building causal models of complicated phenomena such as food insecurity is currently a slow and labor-intensive manual process. In this paper, we introduce an approach that builds executable probabilistic models from raw, free text. The proposed approach is implemented through three systems: Eidos, INDRA, and Delphi. Eidos is an open-domain machine reading system designed to extract causal relations from natural language. It is rule-based, allowing for rapid domain transfer, customizability, and interpretability. INDRA aggregates multiple sources of causal information and performs assembly to create a coherent knowledge base and assess its reliability. This assembled knowledge serves as the starting point for modeling. Delphi is a modeling framework that assembles quantified causal fragments and their contexts into executable probabilistic models that respect the semantics of the original text, and can be used to support decision making.
Last updated on 06/24/2019