
Giribet G, Buckman-Young RS, Costa CS, Baker CM, Benavides LR, Branstetter MG, Daniels SR, Pinto-da-Rocha R. The 'Peripatos; in Eurogondwana? – Lack of evidence that south-east Asian onychophorans walked through Europe. Invertebrate Systematics. 2018;32 :842-865. Publisher's Version
Sharma PP, Baker CM, Cosgrove JG, Johnson JE, Oberski JT, Raven RJ, Harvey MS, Boyer SL, Giribet G. A revised dated phylogeny of scorpions: Phylogenomic support for ancient divergence of the temperate Gondwanan family Bothriuridae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2018;122 :37-45. Publisher's Version