Kisese II rockshelter and the Kondoa Rock Art District of Tanzania

The Kisese II rock shelter contains a deep archaeological sequence spanning at least the last 50,000 years located in the densest concentration of rock art in East Africa. Prior work focused on archival collections from the 1930s-1950s with recent efforts aimed at developing a community archaeology approch directed by Kathryn Ranhorn.

Tryon, C.A.; Lewis, J.E.; *Ranhorn, K.; Kwekason, A.; Eckhardt, C.; Laird, M.; Marean, C.W.; *Nivens, J.; Mabulla, A. Middle and Later Stone Age chronology of Kisese II rockshelter, Kondoa Rock-Art UNESCO World Heritage Center, Tanzania. PLOS One 13(2): e0192029 .pdf

Kisese II
Kisese II rockshelter, 2015