
Fosse E, Winship C. Moore–Penrose Estimators of Age–Period–Cohort Effects: Their Interrelationship and Properties. Sociological Science. 2018;5 (14) :304-334.
Winship C. Inchoate Situations and Extra-Rational. In: Staubmann H, Lidz V Rationality in the Social Sciences. Cham, CH: Springer ; 2018. pp. 223-243.
Benjamin DJ, et al. Redefine Statistical Significance. Nature Human Behaviour. 2018;2 (1) :6-10.
O'Brien DT, Winship C. The Gains of Greater Granularity: The Presence and Persistence of Problem Properties in Urban Neighborhoods. Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017;33 (3) :649-674.
An W, Winship C. Causal Inference in Panel Data with Application to Estimating Race-of-Interviewer Effects in the General Social Survey. Sociological Methods & Research. 2017;46 (1) :68-102.
Winship C. From Principles to Practice and the Problem of Unintended Consequences. In: Levinson M, Fay J Dilemmas of Educational Ethics: Cases and Commentaries. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press ; 2016. pp. 175-178.
Luo L, Hodges J, Winship C, Powers D. The Sensitivity of the Intrinsic Estimator to Coding Schemes: Comment on Yang, Schulhofer-Wohl, Fu, and Land. American Journal of Sociology. 2016;122 (3) :930-961.
Winship C, Western B. Multicollinearity and Model Misspecification. Sociological Science. 2016;3 (27) :627-649.
Harding DJ, Winship C. Population Growth, Migration, and Changes in the Racial Differential in Imprisonment In the United States, 1940–1980. Social Sciences. 2016;5 (3) :1-37.
Abt T, Winship C. What Works in Reducing Community Violence: A Meta-Review and Field Study for the Northern Triangle. Washington, DC: United States Agency for International Development. 2016.
O'Brien DT, Sampson RJ, Winship C. Ecometrics in the Age of Big Data: Measuring and Assessing ‘Broken Windows’ Using Large-Scale Administrative Records. Sociological Methodology. 2015;45 (1) :101-147.
Winship C, Krupnick J. Keeping Up the Front: How Disadvantaged Black Youths Avoid Street Violence in the Inner City. In: Patterson O, Fosse E The Cultural Matrix: Understanding Black Youth. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press ; 2015. pp. 311-350.
Elwert F, Winship C. Endogenous Selection Bias: The Problem of Conditioning on a Collider Variable. Annual Review of Sociology. 2014;40 (1) :31-53.
Braga AA, et al. The Salience Of Social Contextual Factors in Appraisals of Police Interactions with Citizens: A Randomized Factorial Experiment. Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014;30 (4) :599-627.
Muller C, Winship C, Morgan SL. Instrumental Variables Regression. In: Best H, Wolf C The SAGE Handbook of Regression Analysis and Causal Inference. London: SAGE Publications LTD ; 2014. pp. 277-300.
Chakravarti A, Menon T, Winship C. Contact and Group Structure: A Natural Experiment of Interracial College Roommate Groups. Organization Science. 2014;25 (4) :1216-1233.
Morgan SL, Winship C. Counterfactuals and Causal Inference: Methods and Principles for Social Research. 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2014.
Sampson RJ, Winship C, Knight C. Translating Causal Claims: Principles and Strategies for Policy-Relevant Criminology. Criminology & Public Policy. 2013;12 (4) :587-616.
Knight CR, Winship C. The Causal Implications of Mechanistic Thinking: Identification Using Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) . In: Morgan SL Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands ; 2013. pp. 275-299.
Tran VC, et al. Participation in Context: Neighborhood Diversity and Organizational Involvement in Boston. City & Community. 2013;12 (3) :187-210.
