Galaxy Bias and Its Effects on the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Measurements


Mehta KT, Seo H-J, Eckel J, Eisenstein DJ, Metchnik M, Pinto P, Xu X. Galaxy Bias and Its Effects on the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Measurements. The Astrophysical Journal. 2011;734 :94.

Date Published:

June 1, 2011


The baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) feature in the clustering ofmatter in the universe serves as a robust standard ruler and hence canbe used to map the expansion history of the universe. We use high forceresolution simulations to analyze the effects of galaxy bias on themeasurements of the BAO signal. We apply a variety of Halo OccupationDistributions (HODs) and produce biased mass tracers to mimic differentgalaxy populations. We investigate whether galaxy bias changes thenonlinear shifts on the acoustic scale relative to the underlying darkmatter distribution presented by Seo et al. For the less biased HODmodels (b < 3), we do not detect any shift in the acoustic scale


