A high-fidelity realization of the Euclid code comparison N-body simulation with ABACUS


Garrison LH, Eisenstein DJ, Pinto PA. A high-fidelity realization of the Euclid code comparison N-body simulation with ABACUS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2019;485 :3370-3377.

Date Published:

May 01, 2019


We present a high-fidelity realization of the cosmological N-bodysimulation from the Schneider et al. code comparison project. Thesimulation was performed with our ABACUSN-body code, which offers high-force accuracy, high performance, and minimal particle integrationerrors. The simulation consists of 20483 particles in a 500h^{-1} Mpc box for a particle mass of 1.2× 10^9 h^{-1} M_\odot with 10h^{-1} kpc spline softening. ABACUS executed 1052 global time-steps to z= 0 in 107 h on one dual-Xeon, dual-GPU node, for a mean rate of 23million particles per second per step. We find ABACUS is in goodagreement with RAMSES and PKDGRAV3 and less so with GADGET3. We validateour choice of time-step by halving the step size and find sub-percentdifferences in the power spectrum and 2PCF at nearly all measuredscales, with {\lt }0.3{{ per cent}} errors at k\lt 10 Mpc^{-1} h. Onlarge scales, ABACUS reproduces linear theory better than 0.01 per cent.Simulation snapshots are available athttp://nbody.rc.fas.harvard.edu/public/S2016.
