High-precision Predictions for the Acoustic Scale in the Nonlinear Regime


Seo H-J, Eckel J, Eisenstein DJ, Mehta K, Metchnik M, Padmanabhan N, Pinto P, Takahashi R, White M, Xu X. High-precision Predictions for the Acoustic Scale in the Nonlinear Regime. The Astrophysical Journal. 2010;720 :1650-1667.

Date Published:

September 1, 201


We measure shifts of the acoustic scale due to nonlinear growth andredshift distortions to a high precision using a very large volume ofhigh-force-resolution simulations. We compare results from various setsof simulations that differ in their force, volume, and mass resolution.We find a consistency within 1.5σ for shift values from differentsimulations and derive shift α(z) - 1 = (0.300 ± 0.015)


