Dina is a PhD student in the Department of Global Health and Population at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She is majoring in Population and Family Health, with minors in NCDs and Quantitative & Epi Methods. Her research interests include the application of quantitative methods to studies of environmental and nutritional exposures, forced migration, and climate change as determinants of NCDs in vulnerable populations. She is also interested in NCD management in humanitarian crises, and how to build preparedness for NCD care after climate-related disasters. Her dissertation work seeks to understand how modifiable risk factors for obesity, diabetes, and hypertension in Venezuela may play a role to inform future research, interventions, and policy in other fragile contexts.

Dina earned her BA in Cultural Anthropology & History in 2014 from Emory University and her MSPH in Global Disease Control and  Epidemiology in 2017 from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Prior to coming to Harvard, she worked on a multi-country household air pollution intervention trial and spent most of her time working in Puno, Peru.