
Schacter DL. Priming and multiple memory systems: Perceptual mechanisms of implict memory. In: Schacter DL, Tulving E Memory systems 1994. Cambridge: MIT Press ; 1994. pp. 233-268.
Schacter DL, Tulving E. What are the memory systems of 1994?. In: Schacter DL, Tulving E Memory systems 1994. Cambridge: MIT Press ; 1994. pp. 1-38.
Schacter DL, Osowiecki D, Kaszniak A, Kihlstrom J, Valdiserri M. Source memory: Extending the boundaries of age-related deficits. Psychology and Aging. 1994;9 :81-89.
Schacter DL, Church BA, Treadwell J. Implicit memory in amnesic patients: Evidence for spared auditory priming. Psychological Science. 1994;5 :20-25.
Ochsner K, Chiu CYP, Schacter DL. Varieties of priming. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 1994;4 :189-194.
Nissen MJ, Ross JL, Willingham DB, Mackenzie TB, Schacter DL. Evaluating amnesia in multiple personality disorder. In: Klein RM, Doane BK Psychological concepts and dissociative disorders. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates ; 1994. pp. 259-282.
Glisky EL, Schacter DL, Butters MA. Domain-specific learning and memory remediation. In: Riddoch MJ, Humphreys GW Cognitive neuropsychology and cognitive rehabilitation. London: Erlbaum Associates ; 1994. pp. 527-548.
Church BA, Schacter DL. Perceptual specificity of auditory priming: Implicit memory for voice intonation and fundamental frequency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition. 1994;20 :521-533.
Butters MA, Kaszniak AW, Glisky EL, Eslinger PJ, Schacter DL. Recency discrimination deficits in frontal lobe patients. Neuropsychology. 1994;8 :343-353.
Memory systems 1994
Schacter DL, Tulving E. Memory systems 1994. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 1994. Publisher's Version
Schacter DL, Cooper LA. Implicit and explicit memory for novel visual objects: Structure and function. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition. 1993;19 :988-1003.
Schacter DL, Cooper LA, Treadwell J. Preserved priming of novel objects across size transformation in amnesic patients. Psychological Science. 1993;4 :331-335.
Schacter DL. Memory without remembering. Current Contents. 1993;50 (12).
Schacter DL, Kihlstrom JF, Kaszniak AW, Valdiserri M. Preserved and impaired memory functions in elderly adults. In: Cerella J, Hoyer W, Rybash J, Commons M Adult information processing: Limits on loss. New York: Academic Press ; 1993. pp. 327-350.
Schacter DL, Chiu CYP, Ochsner KN. Implicit memory: A selective review. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 1993;16 :159-182.
Schacter DL, McGlynn SM, Milberg WA, Church BA. Spared priming despite impaired comprehension: Implicit memory in a case of word meaning deafness. Neuropsychology. 1993;7 :107-118.
Butters MA, Glisky EL, Schacter DL. Transfer of new learning in memory impaired patients. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Neuropsychology. 1993;15 :219-230.
Bowers J, Schacter DL. Priming of novel information in amnesic patients: Issues and data. In: Graf P, Masson M Implicit memory: New directions in cognition, development, and neuropsychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum ; 1993. pp. 303-326.
Tobias B, Kihlstrom JF, Schacter DL. Emotion and implicit memory. In: Christianson SA Handbook of emotion and memory. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates ; 1992. pp. 67-92.
Schacter DL. Implicit knowledge: New perspectives on unconscious processes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 1992;89 :11113-11117.
