
Addis DR, Wong AT, Schacter DL. Age-related changes in the episodic simulation of future events. Psychological Science. 2008;18 :33-41.
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Slotnick SD, Schacter DL. The cognitive neuroscience of memory and consciousness. In: Zelazo PD, Moscovitch M, Thompson E Cambridge handbook of Consciousness. New York: Cambridge University Press ; 2007. pp. 809-827.
Schnyer DM, Dobbins IG, L. N, Davis S, Verfaellie M, Schacter DL. Item to decision mapping in rapid response learning. Memory and Cognition. 2007;35 :1472-1482.
Schacter DL, Wig GS, Stevens WD. Reductions in cortical activity during priming. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2007;17 :171-176.
Schacter DL, Gallo DA, Kensinger EA. The cognitive neuroscience of implicit and false memories: Perspectives on processing specificity. In: Nairne JS The foundations of remembering: Essays in honor of Henry L. Roediger III. New York: Psychology Press ; 2007. pp. 353-378.
Schacter DL, Addis DR, Buckner RL. Remembering the past to imagine the future: The prospective brain. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2007;8 :657-661.
Schacter DL, Addis DR. The optimistic brain. Nature Neuroscience. 2007;10 :1345-1347.
Schacter DL, Addis DR. On the constructive episodic simulation of past and future events. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 2007;30 :331-332.
Schacter DL, Addis DR. The cognitive neuroscience of constructive memory: Remembering the past and imagining the future. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (B). 2007;362 :773-786.
Schacter DL, Addis DR. The ghosts of past and future. Nature. 2007;445 (27).
Schacter DL. Memory: delineating the core. In: Roediger HL, Dudai Y, Fitzpatrick SM Science of memory: Concepts. New York: Oxford University Press ; 2007. pp. 23-27.
Kensinger EA, Schacter DL. Remembering the specific visual details of presented objects: Neuroimaging evidence for effects of emotion. Neuropsychologia. 2007;45 :2951-2962.
Kensinger EA, O’Brien JL, Swanberg K, Garoff-Eaton RJ, Schacter DL. The effects of emotional content on reality-monitoring performance in young and older adults. Psychology and Aging. 2007;22 :752-764.
Kensinger EA, Gutchess AH, Schacter DL. Effects of aging and encoding instructions on emotion-induced memory trade-offs. Psychology and Aging. 2007;22 :781-795.
Kensinger EA, Garoff-Eaton RJ, Schacter DL. How negative emotion enhances the visual specificity of a memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2007;19 :1872-1887.
Kensinger EA, Garoff-Eaton RJ, Schacter DL. Effects of emotion on memory specificity in younger and older adults. Journal of Gerontology:Psychological Science. 2007;62 :208-215.
Kensinger EA, Garoff-Eaton RJ, Schacter DL. Effects of emotion on memory specificity: Memory trade-offs elicited by negative visually arousing stimuli. Journal of Memory and Language. 2007;56 :575-591.
Hwang DY, Gallo DA, Ally BA, Black PM, Schacter DL, Budson AE. Diagnostic retrieval monitoring in patients with frontal lobe lesions: Further exploration of the distinctiveness heuristic. Neuropsychologia. 2007;45 :2543-2552.
Gutchess AH, Kensinger EA, Yoon C, Schacter DL. Ageing and the self-reference effect in memory. Memory. 2007;15 :822-837.
