
(For Full Publication List, See CV)


*Working Paper, "Capital Meets Democracy: The Impact of Suffrage Extension on Sovereign Bond Markets" (with Aditya Dasgupta), R &R, American Journal of Political Science

How compatible is mass democracy with financial capitalism? We examine this classic question through the reaction of sovereign bond markets to the rise of mass suffrage in Europe and the Americas during the nineteenth century, which represented both the “first wave of democracy” and “age of capital”. 

*Working Paper, "Consequences of Competition Under Autocracy: From Imperial to Weimar Germany" (with Volha Charnysh), Presented Columbia University, 2019

How do authoritarian election practices affect political outcomes after a democratic transition? We analyze an original district-level dataset on electoral disputes in German elections (1871-1933) finding that  pro-regime parties' reliance on electoral manipulation in the pre 1914  imperial period predicts electoral losses by their successor parties after 1918 democratization  and find greater support for the Nazi party in constituencies that experienced more manipulated elections in the authoritarian period. 

*Working Paper, "Parochialism and Voting for the Radical Right: How Place-Based Social Identity Affects Voting Behavior in Germany" (with Daniel Bischof and Hanno Hilbig), Presented, Harvard University (2019) and Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (2019)

What explains the electoral success of the radical right?  We propose and test the argument that voters in "parochial'' regions are more susceptible to voting for radical-right parties. Due to high levels of place-based identity, parochial communities are more likely to support parties that seek to curtail the in-flow of outsiders. We introduce a new measure of parochialism based on 50,000 responses to a unique survey on dialects in German regions. Using aggregate and individual-level data, we demonstrate that dialectal distance strongly predicts voting for the radical-right AfD party. Finally, we show the effect of parochialism became larger in response to the recent refugee crisis

* Working Paper, "How do Voters Respond to Assaults on Checks and Balances: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Turkey" (with Aytug Sasmaz and Alper Yagci), Prepaped for Midwestern Political Science Association, Chicago, Ill, 2019.

Do voters change their preferences about the basic democratic "rules of the game" based merely on who might win executive power?   We study this issue in the context of 2018 Turkey which recently conducted its first presidential elections after the referendum for the transition to superpresidentialism with a priming experiment administered to a representative sample (N=2018) of Istanbul’s voting age population.