"STEM to STEAM" …or "STEM with Stickers?": Understanding the Role of the Arts in Maker-Centered Learning Experiences [with Raquel Jimenez]


Thursday, September 11, 2014, 3:30pm to 5:00pm


Arts Education Partnership National Forum, Pittsburgh, PA

Advocates of STEAM learning experiences argue that infusing the arts into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education will yield the professional competencies that will be most desirable in the decades ahead. Many view the “maker movement” and maker-centered learning experiences as promising opportunities to engage young people in STEAM learning. Even so, one is left to wonder: to what degree are the arts really enacted in maker-centered learning experiences? This interactive session will engage participants in emergent research and hands-on activities that explore this and other questions that exist at the intersection of maker-centered learning and the STEAM agenda.