A short precis of who, what, how . . . .

INTERESTS: astrophysics; cosmic evolution; astrobiology; interdisciplinary science; complexity science; science education

Dr. Eric J. Chaisson is an American astrophysicist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he has multiple appointments, most notably at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian.  His major interests are currently twofold, both at the intersection of science and society:

His scientific research addresses an interdisciplinary, thermodynamic study of physical, biological, and cultural phenomena, seeking to understand the origin and evolution of galaxies, stars, planets, life, and society.  His major goal is to help devise a unifying cosmic-evolutionary worldview of the Universe and our sense of place within it.  He is currently exploring how deep-space cosmology might be usefully "applied" to aid human society on Earth.

His educational work engages master teachers and computer animators to create better methods, technological aids, and novel curricula regarding all aspects of natural science.  Although now semi-retired, he affiliates with the Faculty of Arts & Sciences and teaches an annual undergraduate course at the Harvard College Observatory on the subject of "cosmic evolution" that combines both of these research and educational programs.

Related links; publications

Brief biography
Curriculum vitae
Current research
Current teaching
Web page for cosmic evolution