
Abel-Rémusat, la langue mandchoue et la sinologie
Abel-Rémusat, la langue mandchoue et la sinologie. Comptes rendus des séances de l'AIBL. 2014;2014 (2) :973-993. elliott_abelremusat_crai_2014.2.pdf
Frontier Stories: Periphery as Center in Qing History
Elliott MC. Frontier Stories: Periphery as Center in Qing History. Frontiers of History in China. 2014;2014 (3) :336-360. elliott_frontier_stories_frontiers_of_history_in_china_2014.pdf
欧立德, Elliott MC. 传统中国是一个帝国吗?. 读书 / Dushu. 2014;2014 :29-40. ou_li_de_chuan_tong_zhong_guo_shi_yi_ge_di_guo_ma_.pdf
欧立德 Elliott MC, 定宜庄 Ding Y. 二十一世纪如何书写中国历史:“新清史”研究的影响与回应. Lishixue pinglun《历史学评论》. 2013;1 :116-146. ding_elliott_ershiyishiji_red.pdf
Elliott MC (欧立德). 关于新清史的几个问题. In: 清代政治与国家认同. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press ; 2012. pp. 3-15. guan_yu_xin_qing_shi_de_ji_ge_wen_ti_.pdf
The Historical Vision of the Prosperous Age
Elliott MC. The Historical Vision of the Prosperous Age. China Heritage Quarterly. 2012;(29). elliott_chq_historical_vision_of_shengshi.pdf
National minds and imperial frontiers: Inner Asia and China in the new century
Elliott MC. National minds and imperial frontiers: Inner Asia and China in the new century. In: The People's Republic of China at 60: An International Assessment. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center ; 2011. pp. 401-412. elliott_nationalmindsimperialfrontiers.pdf
Hushuo:  The Northern Other and the Naming of the Han Chinese.
Elliott MC. Hushuo: The Northern Other and the Naming of the Han Chinese. In: Critical Han Studies. Berkeley: University of California Press ; 2011. critical_han_studies_ch8_elliott.pdf
Elliott MC (歐立德). 滿文檔案與新清史. 故宮學術季刊. 2006;24 (2) :1-18. man_wen_dang_an_yu_xin_qing_shi_.pdf
Elliott MC. La Chine moderne: Les Mandchous et la définition de la nation. Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales. 2006;61 (6) :1447-1477. elliott_annales_les_mandchous_et_la_definition_de_la_nation.pdf
Elliott MC. Manchu Widows and Ethnicity in Qing China. Comparative Studies in Society and History. 1999;41 (1) :33-71. manchu_widows_and_ethnicity_in_qing_china.pdf