Data Science Course in R

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This page is designed to give you the nessecary resources to learn or teach R. It is designed for a social scientist audience, meaning you are trained as a psychologist, sociologist, political scientist, etc., and you want to augment your skills to run all your analyses in a powerful programming language while also expanding into more novel data science techniques such as Natural Language Programming, Machine Learning, Web Scraping and more.

I have provided resources and a step-by-step syllabus so that you can teach yourself R using freely available resources which are interactive and fun!


The Data Brain

Most of the materials provided in the course are designed for people with no previous programming experience but general familiarity with traditional social scientific methods.  This includes basic research design and fundamental statistics (the general linear model, i.e., ANOVA and regression).  Although I have compiled these materials from the perspective of social psychology (i.e., empirical psychology), the content can be easily applied to any social scientific field.

To explore course resources, check out Schedules and Materials in the menu bar at the top of this page or jump directly to my dedicated coursepage.