HIMSS13 Wordcloud

This is a wordcloud I created from mining Twitter data on the hashtag #HIMSS13.  The data below was pulled from Twitter on 2/7/2013 at 11:50pm using the twitteR package for R.  Data from approximately 500 tweets was pulled into a corpus.  Various stopwords and transformations were done on the corpus was assembled into a Term Document Matrix using the tm library.  Finally interesting colors were selected using the RColorBrewer library, and the wordcloud was put together with the wordcloud library.


This is a wordcloud I created from mining Twitter data on the hashtag #HIMSS13.  The data below was pulled from Twitter on 2/7/2013 at 11:50pm using the twitteR package for R.  Data from approximately 500 tweets was pulled into a corpus.  Various stopwords and transformations were done on the corpus was assembled into a Term Document Matrix using the tm library.  Finally interesting colors were selected using the RColorBrewer library, and the wordcloud was put together with the wordcloud library.