Effects of Official Macroeconomic Statistical Releases

Effects of Official Macroeconomic Statistical Releases

"Does It Matter If Statistical Agencies Frame the CPI Report on a 1-Month or 12-month Basis?" with Ayako Saiki, NBER WP no. 23754, August 2017.  Revised2014 draft.  wording appendiXL.  HKS Faculty Lunch Seminar presentation, Nov. 19, 2014.

"Commodity Prices, Money Surprises, and Fed Credibility," with Gikas Hardouvelis, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 17, no. 4, Nov.1985, Part I, 427-438.  Reprinted in J.Frankel, Financial Markets and Monetary Policy (MIT Press), 1995.

"Why Interest Rates React to Money Announcements: An Explanation from the Foreign Exchange Market," with Charles Engel, Journal of Monetary Economics 13, no. 1, January 1984.  Reprinted in J.Frankel, On Exchange Rates (MIT Press), 1993.


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