Recent Publications on Africa

Senior Consultant project On African Currency Unions, for UN Economic Commission for Africa.  (Views are the author’s alone.)
Memo 1, “
Economic Fundamentals and Theories Relevant to Optimal Currency Unions,” revised June 21, 2018.
Memo 2, “
Costs and Benefits of Currency Unions in Africa: The Case of the CFA Franc Zone,” 1st draft, June 24, 2018.
Appendix with regression output, for input note to Memo 3, "CFA Trade with the Euro Area," Aug.10, 2018.

"Mauritius: African Success Story,"  chapter in a volume African Successes: Sustainable Growth, vol.4, edited by S.Edwards, S.Johnson, & D.Weil, 2016 (University of Chicago Press).  CID WP 234;  NBER WP 16569.  Summary featured in NBER Digest, Spring 2011. HKS RWP10-036. 

"The Ibrahim Prize for Excellence among African Leaders." in Africa Policy Journal, 2014, Volume IX, April, pp.22-26.  Shorter version: "African Leaders' Eyes on the Prize," Project SyndicateOct.15, 2013. 


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See also: Africa