Recent Publications on Other Asia

"APEC and Regional Trading Arrangements in the Pacific" with S.J. Wei and E. Stein, in Wendy Dobson and Frank Flatters, eds., Pacific Trade and Investment: Options for the 90's (International and Development Studies Institute, Queen's University: Kingston, ONT.), 1995, 289-312.   Reprinted in Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation: Critical Perspectives on the World Economy, P. Drysdale, ed. (Routledge, UK), 2007.

"Trade and Growth in East Asian Countries: Cause and Effect?" with David Romer and Teresa Cyrus, 1996.  Pacific Basin WP Series No. 95-03, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.   NBER Working Paper No. 5732. In NICs After Asian Crisis, H. Singer, N. Hatti and R.Tandon, eds., New World Order Series, vol. 23 (BR Publ.Corp.: India), 2006.   The Frankel-Romer-Rose gravity-based instrumental variable for trade openness was updated in Frankel-Rose, 2002.


See also: Other Asia