
Rodgers WM, Freeman R. Area Economic Conditions and the Crime of Young Men in the 1990s Expansion, in Association for Public Policy and Management Meetings. ; 2001.
Freeman R. Prisoner Rehabilitation: The Role of Education and Faith-Based Institutions. 2001.
Freeman R, Bell LA. The Incentive for Working Hard: Explaining Hours Worked Differences in the US and Germany. Labour Economics. 2001;Special Conference Volume 8 (2) :181-202.
Freeman R, Bell LA. Working Hard. In: Working Time in Comparative Perspective: Vol 1: Patterns, Trends, and the Policy Implications of Earnings Inequality and Unemployment. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute ; 2001. pp. 71-105.
Appelbaum E, Freeman R. Instead of a Tax Cut, Send Out the Dividends. New York Times. 2001. nyt-op-ed_2-01-01_instead_of_a_tax_cut_send_out_dividends.pdf
Freeman R. A Fairer Sort of Harvard. The New York Times. 2001. nyt_op-ed_12-22-01_a_fairer_sort_of_harvard.pdf
Freeman R. Extremophiles in the High-Level Job Market: Bio Sciences/Cell Biology, in Macalester Forum on Higher Education. ; 2001.
Weinstein E, Marincola E, Rosenbaum J, Solomon F, Freeman R. Careers and Rewards in Bio Sciences: The Disconnect Between Scientific Progress and Career Progression. The American Society of Cell Biology; 2001.
Freeman R. Ways and Means: Harvard’s Wage Debate. Harvard Magazine. 2001;104 (2) :69-70.
Schettkat R, Freeman R. Die Löhne sind nicht zu hoch. Die Zeit. 2001.
Freeman R, Schettkat R. Erwerbsarbeit versus Hausarbeit. Tagesspiegel. 2001.
Freeman R, Schettkat R. Verschenkte Zeit. Der Tagesspiegel Online. 2001. Publisher's Version
Iriondo I, Freeman R. Differences in the Demand for Labor by Educational Attainment Level. Evidence across Eight European Countries. 2001.
Schettkat R, Freeman R. Marketization of Production and the US-Europe Unemployment Gap, in Leverhullme Programme Final Conference: The Labour Market Consequences of Technical and Structural Change,. LSE ; 2001.
Weinstein E, Marincola E, Rosenbaum J, Solomon F, Freeman R. Competition and Careers in Biosciences. Science Policy Forum: Careers. 2001;294 :2293-2294. Publisher's Version science-2001-freeman-2293-4.pdf
Freeman R. The Trouble with Airlines. New York Times. 2001. nyt_op-ed_4-16-01_the_trouble_with_airlines.pdf
Freeman R. Introduction: Worker Representation..Again!. In: What Do Workers Want: Reflections on the Implications of the Freeman & Rogers Study. ; 2001. pp. 375-384.
Diamond WJ, Freeman R. Liking the Workplace You Have: The Incumbency Effect in Preferences toward Unions. 2001.
Freeman R, Diamond WJ. What Workers Want from Workplace Organisations: A Report to the TUC’s Promoting Trade Unionism Task Group. London: TUC; 2001.
Conyon M, Freeman R. The Economic Effects of Employee Stake-Holding. Financial Times. 2001.
