Gendered Migrant Social Capital: Evidence from Thailand


Garip F, Curran S, Chung C, Tangchonlatip K. Gendered Migrant Social Capital: Evidence from Thailand. Social Forces. 2005;84 (1) :225-255.
Curran et al 2005 SF1.34 MB


Employing longitudinal data from Thailand to replicate studies of cumulative causation, we extend current knowledge by measuring frequency of trips, duration of time away, level of network aggregation (village or household), and sex composition of migrant networks to estimate a model of prospective migration among men and women in Thailand. We find that trips and duration of time away have distinct influences upon migration; that household level migrant networks are more influential than village level migrant networks; that female migrant networks and male migrant networks have different influences upon migration outcomes; and, that migrant social capital influences men and women's migration differently. Our elaboration provides significant quantitative evidence as to how gender and family variously imbue migration dynamics.

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Last updated on 12/19/2012