
History and Literature 90bg: Colonization, Globalization, and Cultures of Asian Diaspora(s)





This course takes a cultural approach to connected histories of Asian diasporas, colonialism, and globalization as a result of various forms of colonialism, including U.S expansion in the Pacific from the late-nineteenth well into the twentieth centuries.  We look to performative and cultural arenas such as literary fiction, spectacles, mass media, and visual texts to examine efforts to strategically use discourses of race, gender, class, ethnicity, sexuality, and (trans)nationalism to structure and maintain colonial forces. At the same time, this...

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History 1014: Gender, Empire, and the Politics of Appearance





This course uses physical and bodily “appearance” to explore histories of gender and U.S. empire during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We will examine “appearance” through visual and performative culture (fashion, dress, photographs, beauty pageants, advertising, mass media, film, video, etc.). Appearance in historical perspectives reveals strategic uses of racial and gendered aesthetics in order to structure and maintain colonial power and empire. At the same time, this class pushes us to consider how marginalized individuals and communities used the...

Read more about History 1014: Gender, Empire, and the Politics of Appearance