
Forthcoming. “Left Melancholy: Chen Yingzhen, Wang Anyi, and the Desire for Utopia in the Post- revolutionary Era.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture.
Elizabeth J. Perry and Hang Tu. 4/1/2020. “文化帝國主義的回潮?重估民國教會大學的歷史遺產.” 清華大學教育研究 [Tsinghua Journal of Education], 41, 2, Pp. 30-40. jiao_hui_da_xue_.pdf
3/2020. “Pleasure and Sin: Li Zehou, Liu Zaifu, and the Political-Theological Motif in Post-Mao Cultural Reflections.” Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature . tu_psm.pdf
Elizabeth J. Perry and Hang Tu. 12/31/2019. “Cultural Imperialism Redux? Reassessing the Christian Colleges of Republican China.” In China and the World—The World and China: A Transcultural Perspective , edited by Joachim Natascha Gentz Catherine Vance Yeh & and Barbara Mittler. Vol. 3. Gossenberg: OSTASIEN Verlag. perrytu.pdf
12/2019. “Anticipatory Utopia and Redemptive Utopia in Post-revolutionary China.” In Utopia and Utopianism in the Contemporary Chinese Context: Texts, Ideas, Spaces. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong Press. tu_utopia.pdf
2/1/2019. “美育代宗教:后五四時代的美學思潮[An aesthetic education with religious sentiments: notes on a political-theological motif in post-May Fourth aesthetics].” 南方文壇 [Southern Forum]. Publisher's Version mei_yu_dai_zong_jiao_.pdf