Signalling Security: An Observational and Game Theory Approach to Inter-pedestrian Psychology


Hansong Li and Yifei Wu. 2022. “Signalling Security: An Observational and Game Theory Approach to Inter-pedestrian Psychology.” Transportation Research (Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour), 86, Pp. 238-251. Publisher's Version
Signalling Security: An Observational and Game Theory Approach to Inter-pedestrian Psychology


Whereas the mental health and personal safety of pedestrians have been the subject of both debates in the public sphere and discourses in social sciences, the interpersonal dynamic of citizens on foot remains so far unexplored. This paper takes a game-theoretical approach to the psychology, behaviour, and welfare of pedestrians, who experience different levels of mutualised anxiety and confidence in spontaneous encounters with strangers on the road. Through a combined method of survey, modelling, and theory, it proposes an equilibrium-analysis of inter-pedestrian signalling, as well as a set of public policy recommendations aimed to reduce unnecessary frictions, improve information transparency, and therefore promote public safety.
Last updated on 07/31/2022