Selected Publications

Kelman HC. Negotiation as interactive problem solving. International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice. 1996;1 (1) :99-123. NegotiationasIPS.pdf
Kelman HC. Coalitions across conflict lines: The interplay of conflicts within and between the Israeli and Palestinian communities. In: In S. Worchel & J. Simpson (Eds.), Conflict between people and groups. Chicago: Nelson-Hall ; 1993. pp. 236-258. Coalitions_Across_Conflict_Lines_1993.pdf
Kelman HC. The social context of torture: Policy process and authority structure. In: In R.D. Crelinsten & A.P. Schmid (Eds.), The politics of pain: Torturers and their masters. Leiden, The Netherlands: COMT, University of Leiden ; 1993. pp. 21-38. Social_context_torture.pdf
Kelman HC. A behavioral science perspective on the study of war and peace. In: In R. Jessor (Ed.), Perspectives on behavioral science: The Colorado lectures. Boulder, CO: Westview Press ; 1991. pp. 245-275. Behavioralscience.pdf
Kelman HC. How the U.S. can advance Israeli-Palestinian peace. Christian Science Monitor. 1989 :19. how_the_us_can_advance_1989.pdf
Kelman HC. Not too late for a Palestinian-Israeli Solution. The New York Times. 1988 :Letters Section.
Kelman HC. When scholars work with the CIA. The New York Times. 1986 :A27. when_scholars_work_with_cia_1986.pdf
Kelman HC. Requirement for peace: Politically intact PLO. The New York Times. 1982 :A23. requirement_for_peace_1982.pdf
Kelman HC. Ethical issues in different social science methods. In: In T.L. Beauchamp, R.R. Faden, R.J. Wallace, Jr., & L. Walters (Eds.), Ethical issues in social science research. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press ; 1982. pp. 40-98. Ethical_issues_1982.pdf
Kelman HC. The role of action in attitude change. In: In H.E. Howe, Jr., & M.M. Page (Eds.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1979: Attitudes, values, and beliefs . Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press ; 1980. pp. 117-194. Role_of_Action_1980.pdf
Kelman HC. US gestures that could help in Iran. Christian Science Monitor. 1979 :23. us_gestures_iran_1979.pdf
