
Johnston AI. Here’s How a Tiny Virus Can Help Improve Cross-strait Ties. The Straits Times. 2003.
Johnston AI. Is China a Status Quo Power?. International Security. 2003;27 (4).
Johnston AI. Zhongguo yu guoji zuzhi: lai zi waibu de guancha [China and international organizations: perspectives from outside China]. In: Yizhou W Mohe zhong de jiangou: Zhongguo yu guoji zuzhi guanxi de duoshijiao toushi [Construction in contradiction: multi-dimensioned perspectives on China’s relations with international organizations]. Beijing: China Development Press ; 2003.
Johnston AI. Socialization in International Institutions: The ASEAN Way and International Relations Theory. In: Mastanduno M, Ikenberry JG The Emerging International Relations of the Asia-Pacific Region. New York: Columbia University Press ; 2003.
Johnston AI. Jianlun guoji zuzhi dui guojia xingwei de yingxiang [A sketch of theoretical research on the impact of international institutions on the behavior of states]. Shijie jingji yu zhengzhi [World economics and politics] (Beijing). 2002;12.
Johnston AI. The Social Effects of International Institutions on Domestic (Foreign Policy) Actors. In: Drezner D Locating the Proper Authorities: The Interaction of Domestic and International Institutions. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press ; 2002.
Johnston AI. Treating International Institutions as Social Environments. International Studies Quarterly. 2001;45 (3).
Johnston AI. The Pros and Cons of Cooperation: Beijing Weighs its Options. Harvard Asia Quarterly. 2001;5 (4).
Johnston AI. Explaining Chinese Cooperation in International Security Institutions. In: Ollapally DM Controlling Weapons of Mass Destruction: Findings from USIP-sponsored Projects. Washington DC: US Institute of Peace ; 2001.
Johnston AI. Meiguo xuezhe duiyu Zhongguo yu guoji zuzhi guanxi yanjiu gaishu [A general explication of US scholarship concerning China's relationship with international organizations]. Shijie jingji yu zhengzhi [World economics and politics] (Beijing). 2001;8 (August).
Johnston AI. The Cox Report on Governance and Policy in China: Problems of Fact, Evidence, and Inference. In: May M The Cox Committee Report: An Assessment. Stanford University: Center for International Security and Cooperation ; 1999.
Johnston AI. Zhongguo canyu guoji tizhi de ruogan sikao [Some thoughts on China’s participation in international institutions. Shijie jingji yu zhengzhi [World economics and politics] (Beijing). 1999;7 (July).
Johnston AI, Ross RS. Conclusion. In: Johnston AI, Ross RS Engaging China: The Management of an Emerging Power. London: Routledge Press ; 1999.
Johnston AI, Evans P. China’s Engagement in International Security Institutions. In: Johnston AI, Ross RS Engaging China: The Management of an Emerging Power. London: Routledge Press ; 1999.
Johnston AI. The Myth of the ASEAN Way? Explaining the Evolution of the ASEAN Regional Forum. In: Haftendorn H, Keohane R, Wallander C Imperfect Unions: Security Institutions in Time and Space. London: Oxford University Press ; 1999.
Johnston AI. Realisms and Chinese Security Policy in the Post-Cold War Period. In: Mastanduno M, Kapstein E Unipolar Politics: Realism and State Strategies after the Cold War. New York: Columbia University Press ; 1999.
Johnston AI, Swaine MD. China and Arms Control Institutions. In: Economy E, Oksenberg M China Joins the World: Progress and Prospects. New York: Council on Foreign Relations ; 1999.
Johnston AI. Strategic Culture Revisited: Reply to Colin Gray. Review of International Studies. 1999;25 (July).
Engaging China: The Management of an Emerging Power
Johnston AI, Ross RS. Engaging China: The Management of an Emerging Power. London: Routledge Press; 1999. Publisher's Version
Johnston AI. China and International Environmental Institutions: A Decision Rule Analysis. In: McElroy M, Nielsen CP, Lydon P Energizing China: Reconciling Environmental Protection with Energy Demands of a Growing Economy. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press ; 1998.
