
Johnston AI. International Structures and Chinese Foreign Policy. In: Kim SS China and the World (4th Edition). Boulder: Westview Press ; 1998.
Johnston AI. China’s Militarized Interstate Dispute Behavior, 1949-1992: A First Cut at the Data. The China Quarterly. 1998;March.
Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History
Johnston AI. Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 1998. Publisher's Version
Johnston AI. Engaging Myths: Misconceptions About China and Its Global Role. Harvard Asia Pacific Review. 1997.
Johnston AI. Prospects for Chinese Nuclear Force Modernization: Limited Deterrence versus Multilateral Arms Control. The China Quarterly. 1996;June.
Johnston AI. Cultural Realism and Strategy in Maoist China. In: Katzenstein PJ The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics. New York: Columbia University Press ; 1996.
Johnston AI. Learning Versus Adaptation: Explaining Change in Chinese Arms Control Policy. The China Journal. 1996;35 (January).
Johnston AI. China's New 'Old Thinking': The Concept of Limited Deterrence. International Security. 1996;20 (3).
Johnston AI. Thinking About Strategic Culture. International Security. 1995;19 (4).
Johnston AI. Independence Through Unification: On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Across the Taiwan Straits. Contemporary Issues. 1993;2.
Johnston AI. The Role of Violence in China's Strategic Thought. In: Lane DC, Liu D Conference Proceedings: Fourth Annual Conference on China's People's Liberation Army. Washington : America Enterprise Institute ; 1993.
Johnston AI. Qian tan Xifang dui Zhongguo chuangtong zhanlue sixiang de jie shi [Preliminary analysis of Western views on traditional Chinese strategic thought]. Di Er Jie Sun Zi Bingfa Guoji Yantao Hui Lunwen Ji [Collected papers from the 2nd international symposium on Sun Zi's Art of War] (Beijing). 1992.
Johnston AI. Baoli yi fei baoli [Violence and non-violence]. Guoji Zhengzhi Yanjiu [Studies in International Politics] (Beijing). 1992;1.
Johnston AI. China and Arms Control in the Asia-Pacific Region. In: Langdon F, Ross D Superpower Maritime Strategy in the Pacific. London: Routledge ; 1990.
Johnston AI. Ruo guo zeyang miandui qiang guo [How small states manage large states]. Meiguo Yue Kan [American Monthly] (Taipei). 1989;4 (5).
Johnston AI. China Enters the Arms Control Arena. Arms Control Today. 1987;17 (6).
Johnston AI. Party Rectification in the Peoples Liberation Army, 1983-1987. The China Quarterly. 1987;112 (December).
Johnston AI. China and Arms Control: Emerging Issues and Interests in the 1980s. Ottawa: Center for Arms Control and Disarmament; 1986. Publisher's Version
Johnston AI. Changing Army-Party Relations in China, 1979-1984. Asian Survey. 1984;24 (10).
