
Hankins J. Bessarione, Ficino e le scuole di Platonismo del sec. XV. In: Cortesi M, Maltese EV Dotti bizantini e libri greci nel Italia del secolo XV. Atti del Convegno internazionale, Trento 22-23 ottobre 1990. Naples, Italy: M. D'Auria Editore ; 1992. pp. 117-128.
Hankins J. Cosimo de'Medici as a Patron of Humanistic Literature. In: Ames-Lewis F Cosimo 'il Vecchio' de'Medici, 1389-1989. Essays in Commemoration of the 600th Anniversary of Cosimo de'Medici's Birth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press ; 1992. pp. 69-94.
Hankins J. Review of John F. D'Amico, Theory and Practice in Renaissance Textual Criticism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988. Renaissance Quarterly. 1991;44 (1) :110-113. Publisher's Version
Hankins J. Forging Links With the Past. Journal of the History of Ideas. 1991;52 (3) :509-518. Publisher's Version
Hankins J. Bruni Manuscripts in North America: A Handlist. In: Per il Censimento dei codici dell Epistolario di Leonardo Bruni, Nuovi Studi storici, 10. Rome: Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo ; 1991. pp. 55-90.
The Humanist, the Banker, and the Condottiere: An Unpublished Letter of Cosimo and Lorenzo de'Medici Written by Leonardo Bruni
Hankins J. The Humanist, the Banker, and the Condottiere: An Unpublished Letter of Cosimo and Lorenzo de'Medici Written by Leonardo Bruni. In: Monfasani J, Musto RG Renaissance Society and Culture: Essays in Honor of Eugene F. Rice, jr. New York: Italica Press ; 1991. pp. 59-70. Publisher's Version
Hankins J. The Myth of the Platonic Academy of Florence. Renaissance Quarterly. 1991;44 (3) :429-475. Publisher's Version
Hankins J. Review of Ludwig Bertalot, Initia Humanistica Latina. Initienverzeichnis lateinischer Prosa und Poesie aus der Zeit des 14. bis 16 Jahrhunderts. Renaissance Quarterly. 1987;40 (4) :766-768. Publisher's Version
Hankins J. Il Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum come strumento di ricerca. Accademie e biblioteche d’Italia. 1987;55 (4) :9-16.
Hankins J. Plato in the Middle Ages. In: vol. Joseph Strayer 9 Dictionary of the Middle Ages. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons ; 1987. pp. 694-704.
Hankins J. A Manuscript of Plato's Republic in the Translation of Uberto Decembrio with Annotations of Guarino Veronese (Reg. lat. 1131). In: Supplementum Festivum. ; 1987. pp. 149-188.
Hankins J. The Humanism of Leonardo Bruni.; 1987.
Hankins J. Supplementum Festivum: Studies in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller. (Hankins J, Monfasani J, Frederick Purnell J).; 1987. Publisher's Version
Hankins J. Some Remarks on the History and Character of Ficino's Translation of Plato. In: Marsilio Ficino e il ritorno di Platone: Studi e Documenti. Florence, Italy: Leo S. Olschki ; 1986. pp. 287-304.
