
Frieden, Jeffry. “Globalization and Exchange Rate Policy”. The Future of Globalization. Ed. Ernesto Zedillo. New York: Routledge, 2008. 344-357. Print. globalization_and_exchange_rate_policy.pdf
Frieden, Jeffry, et al. Selected Works of Michael Wallerstein: The Political Economy of Inequality, Unions, and Social Democracy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Web. Website
Frieden, Jeffry. “Will Global Capitalism Fall Again?”. 2008: n. pag. Print. GlobalCapFallAgainWebversion.pdf
Frieden, Jeffry. “Globalization and Exchange Rate Policy”. The Future of Globalization. Ed. Ernesto Zedillo. New York: Routledge, 2008. 344-357. Print. Globalization_and_exchange_rate_policy.pdf
Frieden, Jeffry, Lawrence J Broz, and Stephen Weymouth. “Exchange-Rate Policy Attitudes: Direct Evidence from Survey Data”. 55 (2008): n. pag. Print. Exchange Rate Policy Attitudes: Direct Evidence from Survey Data
Global Capitalism: Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century. New York: W.W. Norton, 2006. Web. For more information
Frieden, Jeffry, and Lawrence Broz. “The Political Economy of Exchange Rates”. Oxford Handbook of Political Economy. Ed. Barry Weingast & Donald Wittman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. Print. PEofERHandbook.pdf
Frieden, Jeffry, and David A Lake. “International Relations as a Social Science: Rigor and Relevance”. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (2005): , 136-156. Print. International Relations as a Social Science: Rigor and Relevance
Frieden, Jeffry, Brock S Blomberg, and Ernesto Stein. “Sustaining Fixed Rates: The Political Economy of Currency Pegs in Latin America”. Journal of Applied Economics 82 (2005): , 8, 2, 203-225. Print. Sustaining Fixed Rates: The Political Economy of Currency Pegs in Latin America
Frieden, Jeffry. “The Political Economy of Dollarization: Domestic and International Factors”. Dollarization: Debates and Policy Alternatives. Ed. Eduardo Levy-Yeyati & Federico Sturnzenegger. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. Print. dollarization_final.pdf
Frieden, Jeffry, and Lisa Martin. “International Political Economy: Global and Domestic Interactions”. Political Science: The State of the Discipline. Ed. Ira Katznelson & Helen V Milner. New York: W.W. Norton, 2003. Print. stateofdiscipline.pdf
Frieden, Jeffry, and Barry Eichengreen. The Political Economy of European Monetary Unification. Westview Press, 2001. Print.
Frieden, Jeffry, and Ernesto Stein. The Currency Game: Exchange Rate Politics in Latin America. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. Web. Website
