BLOG: Solve Edgar Allan Poe’s Cryptogram


Lepore, J. 2009. “BLOG: Solve Edgar Allan Poe’s Cryptogram.”


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This week in the magazine, Jill Lepore considers some of the more fascinating aspects of Edgar Allan Poe’s character, like his penchant for puzzles. Here, she offers our readers a chance to take on the (self-declared) master cryptographer.

Think you can outwit Edgar Allan Poe? “Nothing intelligible can be written which, with time, I cannot decipher,” Poe once boasted. Poe loved ciphers, puns, riddles, and all manner of puzzles. (To Poe, poems were ciphers, too, more like math problems than paintings.) He fancied himself a genius; he was pretty tiresome on this point, actually, as people are. He liked, for instance, that his surname was so poetical and that “Edgar Poe” is an anagram for “a God peer.” Ick. Still, even a god among men has to earn a living. Poe worked as a magazine editor, which meant that he was forever devising new ways to lure readers while fighting, always, against the temptation to lord his talents over them. In August of 1841, he issued a challenge: he published a cryptogram in Graham’s Magazine, where he was an editor, promising a year’s subscription “to any person, or rather to the first person who shall read us this riddle.” Think of it as the nineteenth-century equivalent of the cartoon caption-writing contest.

Poe didn’t write this riddle; a friend sent it to him, and dared him to solve it. “We were seduced into the endeavor to read it,” Poe explained, using his editorial we, “by the decided manner in which an opinion was expressed that we could not.” In Graham’s, Poe offered no instructions but he hinted that this riddle was not unrelated to a class of ciphers involving placing an alphabet below a particular sentence. (There, that’s your clue but I’m not really sure it is a clue; Poe liked red herrings.) He was entirely certain no one would solve it. “We have no expectation that it will be read,” he wrote, after gloating that he, of course, had found it trifling.
Poe promised to furnish a key to the solution in the September issue, but he welched. He was, it turns out, a bit of a liar. But you can find the key here right now, after the jump. Honest. Meanwhile, whatever you do, don’t Google. No, no. That’s cheating.

The key is: “But find this out and I give it up.” That help?
You’ll find the solution here tomorrow. But be warned: it’s very, very dreadful.

Last updated on 05/04/2011