
Lepore, Jill. 2014. “Bad News: The reputation of Roger Ailes.” The New Yorker, January 20, 2014. Article
Lepore, Jill. 2013. “The Dark Ages: Terrorism, Counterterrorism, and the Law of Torment.” The New Yorker, March 18, 2013. Publisher's Version
Lepore, Jill. 2013. “Long Division: Measuring the polarization of American politics.” The New Yorker, December 2, 2013 . Article
Lepore, Jill. 2013. “The Tug of War: Woodrow Wilson and the power of the presidency.” The New Yorker, September 9, 2013. Article
Lepore, Jill. 2013. “The Prism: Privacy in an age of publicity.” The New Yorker, June 24, 2013. Article Abstract

This essay began as the Joanna Jackson Goldman Lectures in American Civilization and Government, which I delivered at the New York Public Library in March of 2013.

Lepore, Jill. 2013. “The Force: How much military is enough?” The New Yorker, January 28, 2013. Article
Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin

A Finalist for the 2013 National Book Award for Nonfiction

From one of our most accomplished and widely admired historians, a revelatory portrait of Benjamin Franklin’s youngest sister and a history of history itself. Like her brother, Jane Franklin was a passionate reader, a gifted writer, and an astonishingly shrewd political commentator. Unlike him, she was a mother of twelve. Benjamin Franklin, who wrote more letters to his sister than he wrote to anyone else, was the original American self-made man; his sister spent her life caring for her children. They left very different traces behind. Making use of an amazing cache of little- studied material, including documents, objects, and portraits only just discovered, Jill Lepore brings Jane Franklin to life in a way that illuminates not only this one woman but an entire world—a world usually lost to history. Lepore’s life of Jane Franklin, with its strikingly original vantage on her remarkable brother, is at once a wholly different account of the founding of the United States and one of the great untold stories of American history and letters: a life unknown.

Lepore, Jill. 2012. “Tax Time: Why we pay.” The New Yorker, November 26, 2012. Article
Lepore, Jill. 2012. “The Lie Factory: How politics became a business.” The New Yorker, September 24, 2012. Article
Lepore, Jill. 2012. “The Unseen: How a magazine article became a declaration of war on poverty.” Smithsonian, September 2012.
Lepore, Jill. 2012. “Obama, The Prequel: An Origin Story.” The New Yorker, June 25, 2012. Article
Lepore, Jill. 2012. “Benched: The Supreme Court and the Struggle for Judicial Independence.” The New Yorker, June 18, 2012. Article
Lepore, Jill. 2012. “Battleground America: One Nation, Under the Gun.” The New Yorker, April 23, 2012. Article
Lepore, J. 2011. “Birthright: What's next for Planned Parenthood.” The New Yorker. Article
Lepore, J. 2011. “Objection: Clarence Darrow's Unfinished Work.” The New Yorker, May 23, 2011. Article
Lepore, J. 2011. “How Longfellow Woke the Dead.” The American Scholar 81: 2-15. Article
Lepore, J. 2011. “The Commandments: the Constitution and its worshippers.” The New Yorker. Article
