Jonathan Xu's Recent Publications

Potential Circular Economy strategies for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics [Whitepaper] [Harvard & World Economic Forum research project]

Jonathan Xu, Mark Esposito, and Terence Tse. 1/6/2017. Potential Circular Economy strategies for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics [Whitepaper] [Harvard & World Economic Forum research project]. Potential Circular Economy strategies for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.Abstract

This was a joint project between by the World Economic Forum and the Harvard University faculty aide program. 

In this report, we offer recommendations to the Japanese government on how the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympics can be designed to maximize sustainability while minimizing expenses. The recommendations are based on in-depth research and global best practices in event management.

The recommendations cover the following areas:

  • construction and design of Olympic facilities
  • event transportation
  • energy, food, and waste management
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Rethinking the luxury auto business model [Article] [Harvard research project]

Jonathan Xu and Mark Esposito. 2/16/2017. “Rethinking the luxury auto business model [Article] [Harvard research project]”. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Published in Harvard Business Review (in France) and by the World Economic Forum

This paper proposes 3 strategies for luxury automakers to significantly raise profit margins while reducing resource utilization:

Strategy 1: Engage in more closed-loop recycling: establish vehicle collection programs, be more stringent in raw material selection

Strategy 2: ‘Rent instead of sell’ business model: providing vehicles as a service 

Strategy 3: Lengthen product usability: using recyclable materials, improving engine recyclability, leveraging 3D printing

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Market research study conducted for a small business facing growth challenges [Presentation] [Harvard coursework]

Jonathan Xu. 12/7/2016. “Market research study conducted for a small business facing growth challenges [Presentation] [Harvard coursework]”.Abstract

A small but fast-growing business was facing numerous challenges, including a high percentage of unsatisfied customers as well as difficulties in cross-selling their services.

We conducted a comprehensive market research study for business, comprised of 101 in-depth customer surveys, 2 focus groups, and 4 one-hour customer interviews. 

As a result, we identified the key factors driving customer dissatisfaction, and devised more effective methods for reaching new customers and upselling old ones.

(All identifying information pertaining to this business have been removed/modified for this presentation.)

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Entrepreneurial venture seeking to revolutionize the fitness industry [Presentation] [Harvard coursework]

Jonathan Xu, Naveen Kulkarni, Durga Velukumar, and Saloni Shah. 8/2/2016. “Entrepreneurial venture seeking to revolutionize the fitness industry [Presentation] [Harvard coursework]”.Abstract

How do you get fit without paying $70/hour for a personal trainer (U.S. urban average)?

We developed an idea for a mobile application that cuts fitness training costs by 40-70% while helping people improve their fitness levels. This can be a profitable business addressing unmet needs in a huge potential market.

Attractive business
  • Up to 35 - 40% net profit margins
  • Low initial investment
Addresses unmet needs
  • Very-fit people want to monetize their knowledge and skills
  • Less-fit people want to improve their fitness levels at an affordable rate
  • There is currently no way to match this supply and demand
Huge potential market
  • Global fitness market: approx. 300 million people who are physically active
  • Revenues of >$1.5 billion a year if successfully scaled globally
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Pricing strategy for a new cancer drug [Presentation] [Harvard-MIT 2016 Consulting Case Competition]

Vladislava Chalei, Kathryn McKeough, Jonathan Xu, and Zishu Chen. 7/20/2016. “Pricing strategy for a new cancer drug [Presentation] [Harvard-MIT 2016 Consulting Case Competition]”.Abstract

How do you price a new cancer drug?

An American pharmaceutical company has developed a new cancer-treating drug (“AB-123”), especially effective at treating colorectal cancer. It is seeking to develop a pricing strategy for the first three years of this drug, with a projected launch date of 2025. Our team presented at the competition in July 2016. (Client and drug names have been changed.) 
This competition was sponsored by 11 consulting firms, including McKinsey, BCG, Bain, L.E.K., among others.

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