
ECON 1746 Financial Crises and Recessions of the 21st Century





Description: This course will explore the dramatic financial and macroeconomic developments that the United States has experienced over the last two decades. We will look at research on what factors precipitated the boom and bust in the housing market in the early 2000s and how the resulting mortgage crisis rippled through the global financial system and ultimately generated the most severe economic downturn since the Great Depression. We will analyze the policies put in place to stabilize the...

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API 121 Recessions, Growth, and Macroeconomic Policy





Description: Countries around the world have faced significant macroeconomic challenges in the 21st century. The deep global recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic arrived just a few years after recovery from the protracted economic slump that followed the global financial crisis. We will learn some of the key tools that macroeconomists use to understand these developments, explore the specific circumstances and institutions that mattered in each episode, and consider what policies can mitigate the harm of recessions. We will then turn to the...

Read more about API 121 Recessions, Growth, and Macroeconomic Policy