Extremist Groups


Lerner KL ed. Extremist Groups. Thomson | Gale Research; 2006.
Extremist Groups


Extremist Groups is part of the Defense Intelligence Agency collection and was selected for the collections at the John F. Kennedy School of Government Library at Harvard University, Georgetown University, and National Defense University.

Extremist Groups "will make users of this source as knowledgeable about extremist groups as they can possibly be in the general population."--ARBA, March 2007. "for students doing in-depth research... the one to use." -– Reed / Elsevier. "The introduction on extremism is well worth reading… An excellent source for novice or experienced researchers. Highly recommended. CHOICE Oct, 2006.


"What constitutes extremism is usually contentious and often a matter of cultural or political perspective. Some groups actually admit and embrace their extremism as justifiable toward accomplishment of their agenda or goals. Others work hard to present themselves as more mainstream or activist groups.Although many extremist attitudes and acts are seemingly unarguable to a large segment of society, it is also fair to note that the charge of extremism is an often-used label applied by opponents in order to marginalize or dismiss an organization's philosophical goals."  (continued)  -- K. Lee Lerner. Paris. December, 2006.


Last updated on 08/14/2022