Iran's Nuclear Breakout Window Narrows


Lerner KL. Iran's Nuclear Breakout Window Narrows. Taking Bearings. Harvard Blogs. 2022;(March 9).
Iran's Nuclear Breakout Window Narrows



Iran's nuclear window narrows. Ten things you need to know about the nuclear capacity of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to offer cogent analysis of Iran’s compliance with the existing Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and/or ongoing negotiations by the U.S. to adapt that agreement before joining it once again as a participating party.

Based on a recent International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Iran Verification and Monitoring Report of March 3, 2022 [1], and subsequent Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) analysis [2], Iran is continuing to advance its nuclear capabilities, hide nuclear research facilities, and thwart international inspections. (download to read more)

Publisher's Version

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11669.60647/1
Last updated on 06/06/2022