Washington — Syria's Use of Chemical Weapons: We Must Act


Lerner KL. Washington — Syria's Use of Chemical Weapons: We Must Act. Taking Bearings. LMG (London, Paris, Cambridge). 2013.
Washington — Syria's Use of Chemical Weapons: We Must Act


AUGUST 28, 2013

Washington — An attack on Syria may indeed spread the war -- and risks escalation and backlash -- but larger interests are at stake. Like it or not, the US is the world's sheriff in these matters.

A deeply flawed analysis recently published in the Guardian exposes the weakest of all arguments against the West taking action, that being because, "chemical weapons are far from being the greatest threat to Syria's people." 

The point is that WMD use is a threat to ALL humanity. (more)

Photo Credits:  Save the Children of Syria. TAHIR SQUARE, Egypt — While Egypt's Revolution has, at least for now, moved into a battle for ballots, the legacy of Arab Spring remains bloodied by bullets and bombs in Syria. The destruction, danger, and death in Syria is not new but groups in Egypt tried to raise awareness during the 2012 Egyptian Presidential campaign, both as a direct call to action and as warning of what might happen should civil war break out in Egypt. 25 May, 2012. ©LMG. Photo by K. Lee Lerner. All rights reserved.

Last updated on 08/30/2019