
Family Drama: Bonds of Blood and Feeling in Greek Tragedy





Family, in all its forms, has been a central concern of dramatists throughout the ages. The three major tragedians of the fifth-century BCE Athenian theater are no exception. In numerous works, Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides depict the complexity of familial bonds connecting spouses, siblings, parents and children, and generations past and present. This course explores Attic tragedy by surveying the diverse, and sometimes disturbing, manifestations of these relationships across seven plays, devoting particular attention to the theatrical construction of gender. Family can be a safe...

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More Than a Game




“Shut up and dribble,” snarled a broadcaster when basketball star LeBron James voiced concerns about the competence of then-President Trump in 2018. The message was clear: sports and politics don’t mix. In fact, as we will find across various media this semester, few things in the past century have been as closely intertwined. At the same time, the relationship often appears lopsided. Politicians show little hesitation to wade into issues pertaining to athletics, but athletes—like LeBron James himself—are discouraged from anything resembling an opinion on matters with a wider societal bearing... Read more about More Than a Game