Publications by Year: 1987

Ulrich LT. 'From the Fair to the Brave': Spheres of Womanhood in Federal Maine. In: Sprague L Agreeable Situations: Domesticity and Commerce in Coastal Maine, 1780-1830. Kennebeunk: Brick Store Museum ; 1987. pp. 215-225.
Housewife and Gadder: Themes of Self-sufficiency and Community in Eighteenth- Century New England
Ulrich LT. Housewife and Gadder: Themes of Self-sufficiency and Community in Eighteenth- Century New England. In: Groneman C, Norton MB To Toil the Livelong Day: America's Women at Work, 1780-1980. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press ; 1987. pp. 21-34. Publisher's Version