

刘浏, 李斌, 曲维光, and 陈小荷. 2013. “先秦词汇的时代特征自动获取及文献时代的自动判定.” 中文信息学报, 27, 5, Pp. 107-114.


Words property of times shows rules of how a word changes in a particular times. We divide the Pre-Qin times into three parts as Pre-Chunqiu, Chunqiu and Zhanguo. We find out and focus on three kinds of words which are only in a times, popular in a times and arised in a times. We also propose methods using VSM and Naive Bayes Classifier to decide the times of a text with which we experiment on 25 texts of Pre-Qin. The latter one s result turn out much better. With the same method we verified that Lie Zi is not written in Pre-Qin.Key wordsPre-Qin words; times; VSM; Naive Bayes classifier